2/12 Lets make ice cream

last Thursday we made ice cream in science. I was in a group with three people Naomi,  Maddy, and I. First, we watched video about endothermic and exothermic. Endothermic is when heat/coldness gets taken out of something and sucked into something else. Exothermic is when heat/coldness gets sucked out of something and into another thing. they are just opposites. Then Shane gave us the instruction sheet it was:

1. Add milk and sugar to a quart-size bag. Seal securely and put inside the other quart size bag. 

2. Put a pitcher full of snow into a gallon size bag.

3. Take the temperature of the snow in the bag.

4. Add the salt to the bag of snow.

5. Place the DOUBLE BAGGED sealed bag of milk into the gallon bag of snow.

6. Gently rock the gallon bag back and forth for 10-15 minutes or until the contents of the small bag has solidified or go outside with gloves on GENTLY toss the bag back and forth. 

7. Open the gallon bag and use the thermometer to measure and record the temperature of the ice/salt mixture. 



2 thoughts on “2/12 Lets make ice cream

  1. Dear Analie,
    I like how you included all of the steps you took to make the ice cream, and what endothermic and exothermic are, and how they are used when making ice cream.

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